Tuesday, June 1, 2010

We pay for Umno's poor performance?

We pay for Umno's poor performance?
Dennis Madden
Jun 1, 10
Wah, wah, wah. So Umno is crying tears of blood and claiming that the country will be bankrupt in nine years unless subsidies are removed. But let's look at the real picture, the picture that Malaysians generally ignore because of their 'I'm doing alright/tidak apah' attitudes.

It's not hard to make out a case that the Umno government has actively pursued a policy of keeping Malaysians poor and uneducated. No matter whatever the claim to the contrary.

This is just another case of facts versus opinions. In fact, it's quite clear to any objective observer that Umno has failed to manage this country for the last 50 plus years, but Malaysians are so immune to bad government that it no longer troubles them

The existence of subsidies is part of the 'keep them poor and dependent' approach. In most other countries the fallacy of subsidies is quite clear and advanced economies have been getting rid of them for the last 30 years. It's an undeniable fact that subsidies never achieve the goals that are attributed to them.

Looking further afield: the education system here is at best mediocre and everyone has a tale to tell of how truly awful the Malaysian system is. Work place conditions are like something out of the Dark Ages with workers overworked, underpaid and working in abysmally bad working conditions.

That is for the Malaysians who actually do some work as most of the real work is done by immigrant workers and their conditions are even worse.

The institutions that make for a civilised country have been raped by the Umno government - the courts, the constitution, the rights of its citizens and the list goes on. The only institution that flourishes is religion and that's because there is an underhand motive in the government/religion partnership.

Everyone will decry corruption except those benefiting from it and we all know where they spend their working time.

But probably the worst aspect of Malaysian mismanagement is the absolute waste that is associated with everything that the government touches. Nothing is planned well, nothing is done well, projects are inflated in price and deflated in value, no project is ever fully finished, workmanship is third rate and maintenance is non-existent. This is a country of failed projects.

There is no long-term government planning in this country and short-term planning is mostly irrational. Malaysia's Vision 20:20 has come to mean 20 years behind the rest of the world and running at a 20 percent efficiency rate.

And with that history of poor performance, the Umno government now wants to further burden the public (without increasing their salaries) so that they can continue to mismanage as they have in the past.

There are two reasons for this situation and in reality both are the same. Decisions are made on an ad-hoc basis of irrational thinking more related to power and the cunning way that Umno seeks and maintains power. The second reason is that religion thrives in an environment of poverty and ignorance.

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